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First Published in November 2016.

MARTA FRANZIN e MASSIMO VIDALE Craft activities and funerary costumes in the Veneti world during the Iron Age, p. 10

DAVIDE PACITTI e CARLA PIRAZZINI Archaeological investigations in the San Giuseppe a Domegge di Cadore Church forecourt area, p. 36

CINZIA ROSSIGNOLI e MARINA SCALZERI Study of the materials from the Roman rustic-productive complex in Bosco di Nanto (Vicenza), p. 48

GIOVANNI RODEGHER e LUCA SCALCO Aspects of the Romanization in the plain of Verona: data from two Roman necropolises of Santa Maria di Zevio (Verona), p. 70

LEONARDO BERNARDI The Roman forge from Montebelluna, località Posmon (Treviso). Study of the iron forging micro-residues, p. 122

BRUNELLA BRUNO Settlement system in Valpollicella between the Roman and Middle Age period. Report on the excavations in Fumane, località Osan, p. 152

CRISTINA MENGOTTI The abandoned Middle-Aged village of Desman. Rural population and settlement transformations in the lowland of Veneto, p. 186

ALESSANDRO CATTANEO The numismatic collection of Teopisto Strolin donated to the Municipality of Schio, p. 222

VINCENZO GOBBO “Ceramic bestiary III”. Symbolic animals on hexagonal sgraffito Renaissance ceramics from the destroyed monastery of Santa Chiara de Cella Nuova in Padua: the panther, p. 240.


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